Thursday, November 11, 2010


Cheers to everyone!!

Why? Are you asking me why?

Well why there should always be a reason to celebrate?

I know, many of you reading this post might be really irritated at the moment, in short, not happy; you might not be satisfied by your performance, or say you just had a good great fight with your friend, or say your boyfriend ditched you or say your boss fired you or say you are confused as you really don’t know where your life is going. All messed up!!

Well let’s say even if situation is so bad, frustrating, all disarray, does that stop you to say cheers?

Can’t you just be happy over the fact that at least you are dealing with the situation, doesn’t matter whether you successfully handle it or not.
Can’t you just be happy over the fact that at least you not losing hope and you trying to get out of your bad phase.
Can’t you just be happy over the fact that as it’s not easy for everyone to face the dark phase, but you are the participant and game has just begun and you planning to win this game!!

Say cheers!! people. Life is short. Raise a toast for the hard times we all went, go or will go!! And this is one of the biggest reasons to be happy. Be happy over the fact that we deal with our hard bad times!!
Keep the faith. And to those who are playing this game of rough time, my best wishes to them. I’m sure in the end you all will win.

Regards aditi kochhar

Copyright aditi kochhar


  1. cheeeeeeeeeeeeersss!!!! to idea.... its nice.

  2. :) application is far more difficult... and you know it the best my dear :) but still... CHEERS, KV :)
