Monday, November 7, 2016

In The Blind Spot Of My Heart

"Jab sara jag sota hai, phir neend humein kyun ati nahin..." as I was listening to the song, a smile crossed my heart. I mean in the past one year,  I had been catching up on things. Beat crazy hectic office work or pending household chores or some random x y z situations. I had been tired, frustated, demotivated and what not. Every weekend target is to rest but every single time you end up catching up on your pending tasks. In the blind spot of my heart I had craved a weekend where I get some time to relax, where I write, listen to music while drinking my cup of tea, talk to love of my life or just randomly watch some movie and most importantly spend some time without worrying about anything. Every day I had felt tired because of which always felt sleepy and energyless. My heart would skip a beat thinking about the old times before we all started to work, when we could be all awake all night, reading novels or listening to songs and yet waking up in the morning with full energy. Often I wonder that it was'nt the case that we had less work then yet we used to be charged up. How ? Why? How come now we feel so sleepy? Well, I couldn't have got the answer up untill I had felt this feeling, at this moment untill now. 

Its 11:41 pm and songs are rolling one by one. I am sitting on my couch and writing this. And believe me, sleep is no where in the distant vision in my eyes. Again, how come is this possible? 

Well, I had busy day, whole day was spent in cleaning the house, lunch, shopping and even did some office work in the evening, then how come I feel so refreshed right now?

Well, its about thoughts which are in mind... Everyday we live in the garbage of dead and negative thoughts. Thoughts which remind us of office tensions or pending tasks..blah blah.. We dwell on situations of fast pace running life that we miss the essence to cherish the moments for which we are living this life. We need to unerstand the diference between - we work to live or live to work. Imagine, today all these positive thoughts could strike my mind just because I could live moment which was in my blind spot of my heart. Today somehow, luckily, I saw a movie on tv, talked with my partner with a connecting spark, had light dinner and then got chance to listen to some great old songs which started to roll... Believe me when I heard the lyrics "Jab sara jag sota hai, phir neend humein kyun ati nahin" I could literally relate to each word. People including us, we usually feel sleepy because we end up getting deprived of the moments which stay in the blind spot of our hearts. All I pray at this very time is that we all take out time to live such moments that stay untouched in our blind spot of our hearts.

I wish we all get such moments all the time

PS: It feels good to write on my blog again after almost two and a half years :)

copyright aditi kochhar vaishnav