Hello people, as a person who loves writing, I feel bit content that I completed a century writing over this blog of mine. I feel content as lately I have been out of touch of writing; specially poems. So right now, I just framed up my random thoughts of the moment into this poem below-
The wishes, the desires I had,
Those wishes, those desires got crushed,
Whom shall I blame?
Whom shall I not blame?
The struggle is tired to work for dreams,
The stamina is now weak and lean,
Can we still try to push ourselves?
And take the path being less followed?
I think and re think every day,
But at least I think each day,
I think for my next step,
To begin my journey with my single step,
I know result is in actions,
And I’m sure I will not kill my aspirations,
As I don’t want to be a victim,
Who killed her own dreams..
The year 2013 is about to bid its good bye and I'm sure everyone of us is hoping that the new year coming round the corner brings with itself lots of happiness, success and joy for all of us. But along with this, I request you all to recapture the year 2013 and think about the good memories you made, the lessons you learnt, the failure you faced. Just cherish your each moment you lived in this present year.
I wish you all a great Merry Christmas and a great Happy New Year; enjoy the festive season. Jump into the celebration, don't be sad. Don't feel sorry for yourself, as in the end, its your own life and don't make yourself a victim for being sad. Stand up and try to gather the stamina you need to create a life which you want to see for yourself. Wishing you all lots of good lucks and good charms.
Bless you all.
Adios 2013!!
copyright aditi kochhar